Thursday, September 09, 2004

another useless questionnaire..

Forgot where I got this one from.. sorry.

1. What time do you get up?
- This morning it was at 7 am with a brutal awakening that included confusion, hurt and some amount of blood.

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be?
- You mean I cant eat lunch with one person?? or more than one?? Well, a dinner with Sokrates or Jung would never be wrong if you think about the conversation..

3. Gold or Silver?
-Silver. Always. White gold can be ok, otherwise it just looks cheap.

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
- cant remember really...

5. What is/are your favorite TV-show(s)?
- Monty Pythons Flying Circus, Scrubs, Idols, The Osbournes, CSI, South Park, Frasier etc

6. What did you have for breakfast?
- bread with cottage cheese and a gigantic cup of earl grey tea.

7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?
- George W Bush. You can surely guess why.

8. What/who inspires you?
- mist, rain and unpure thoughts.

9. What is the name your parents were going to name you if you had been of the opposite sex?
- Janne.

10. Beach, City or Country.
- City. Or maybe Country. A countrycity? a Cintry?

11. Favourite icecream?
- pistachio, or raspberry sorbet. Caffe Latte!!!

12. Chocolate covered or yoghurt covered?
- Chocolate!!!

13. Favorite colour?
- White, Red and Black. Sometimes Orange

14. What kind of car would you buy if you had to choose one?
- Aston Martin. They are all beautiful.

15. Favorite sandwich?
- one with a lot of cheese and vegetables.

16. What trait do you despise in people?
- ignorance.

17. Roach or spider?
- ???

18. Where are you going on your next trip?
- Finland? Holland? London? *waves to Kara*

19. What color is your bathroom?
- eeeh, green and white.

20. Without looking, what is the meaning of Ameliorate?
- No idea. Sounds like somekind of coloring? *looks it up* ahaaa....

21. Where would you retire too?
- dunno.

22. Fav day of the week?
- Friday.

23. Paper or plastic?
- Paper.

24. Plastic cups or glasses?
- Glass, except for icecoffee. that I want in a plastic cup.

25. What is the most baffling thing youve seen someone do recently?
- Oh.... *secret*

26. Coke or Pepsi?
- Coke

27. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
- mostly a night owl.

28. Do you have any pets?
- No, not right now. Hoping to get a dog or a rat someday.

well. at least I had something to do.


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